Ship Agency

35 years of experience! PSS is one of the few port agencies that blends a full-scale five star service with an independent feel. We are hands-on and always on, ready to react and able to solve any problem.

35 years of experience! PSS is one of the few port agencies that blends a full-scale five star service with an independent feel. We are hands-on and always on, ready to react and able to solve any problem.


Ship Agency

2/19/2019 4:28:28 PM  ۰ comments   ۳۴۳۱ visits

35 years of Experience!

As a leading Port and Marine Service provider in the Southern Iranian ports, PSS offers the full spectrum of ship agency services required by the maritime industry, including:

  • Ship registration with the local port authorities
  • Payment of port dues
  • Coordination with the parties involved (shippers/consignees/ports/terminals etc)
  • Pilot Request
  • Crew Repatriation
  • Emergency Repairs
  • Fresh Water Provision
  • Fuel Provision
  • Ballast tank reports
  • Ship Store Replenishment
  • Slops Removal
  • Appointment of tallying/survey/stevedoring companies on behalf of the clients

The depth of knowledge within PSS Shipping Services LTD allow us to provide a flexible and tailored service to meet the diverse needs of ship owners and charterers.

Our port agents will quietly and efficiently take care of all the regular routine tasks, 24/7. They’ll ensure that essential supplies, crew transfers, customs documentation and waste declarations are all arranged without delay. They’ll provide you with updates and reports so you have up-to-the minute information that you need at all times. That’s why so many of our principals trust us implicitly to look after their business, wherever they operate, and whenever they ship, right across the world.

Tanker/LPG Carriers

PSS is a leading independent port agency, handling tens of port movements per year.

Our principals know that we give the best possible assistance to their vessels through individual ‘Operations Managers’ being assigned to each respective owner and charterer.

Time is money to our principals and at PSS we realise this. The service we provide is dedicated to saving time in port, constantly working with terminals and port services to safely and efficiently reduce port stays.

Our experience in these matters is what makes PSS the agent of choice for many principals.

Dry/Liner/General Cargo

PSS specialist market knowledge and cargo supervision continues to attract worldwide attention as an agency that provides outstanding technical, operational and commercial logistics support to ships owners, charterers and receivers in the logistic chain.

Specialist market knowledge in: Different types of minerals/ steel products/general and project cargoes and foodstuff.

Cargo supervision Including tallying

Cargo handling: Appointing stevedoring companies and nominating terminals

Cargo weigh measurement: Including initial and final draft survey by licenses survey companies

Head office manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Ro-Ro/Barge/Landing Craft/Fishing vessels/ AHT/TUG boats

We constantly strive to provide tailor made logistical solutions in order to meet the ever increasing demands of this high pressure industry, and we are committed to being the agency of choice through our excellence of service.

We provide Agency Support to a varying number of sectors including FPSO’s, rigs, deep sea tug owners, offshore support vessels, Ro-Ro/Barge/Landing Craft and Fishing vessels.

Hub Agency

PSS can offer a highly competitive hub agency service designed to increase efficiencies, saving time and money to the global players.

PSS is dedicated to protecting excellence at local level together with excellence in hub management. Thanks to services provided from a competent, experienced and reliable staff, PSS offers the best in hub agency service.

OPA (Owners Protective agency)

Shipowners and operators may sometimes need to appoint a preferred agent to supervise activities of the charterers’ agent and monitor the day-to-day operations on their behalf. PSS offers a first class OPA services to owners / operators with the view to safeguard/protect their interest in whatever manner necessary. The said services can be summarized as below:

  • Checking proforma D/A submitted by the registered agent
  • Reporting the cargo operations to the Principals on hourly basis
  • Checking the entire cargo documents/SOF/time sheets and reporting any discrepancy to Principals immediately
  • Crew Change
  • Obtaining shore-pass for the seafarers
  • Obtaining necessary permissions/licenses from the concerned authorities
  • Technical Support/Services
  • Towing / Salvage
  • Bunkering
  • Offshore Services
  • Ship Supply Services
  • Ship to Ship Operations
  • Appointing independent surveyors
  • Appointing Stevedoring/Tallying companies
  • Coordination with the local P&I/H&M/Class surveyors

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