Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Correspondent- Mutual and Fixed Premium - The scope of cover available from P&I Clubs are detailed in their individual rulebooks

Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Correspondent- Mutual and Fixed Premium - The scope of cover available from P&I Clubs are detailed in their individual rulebooks



4/30/2019 2:32:40 PM  ۰ comments   ۳۶۵۴ visits

The scope of cover available from P&I Clubs are detailed in their individual rulebooks, but generally, this comprises:

  • Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of crew members
  • Personal injury to or loss of life of stevedores
  • Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of passengers and others
  • Loss of personal effects
  • Diversion
  • Life salvage
  • Collision
  • Loss or damage to property other than cargo
  • Pollution
  • Towage contract
  • Wreck liabilities
  • Cargo liabilities
  • Cargo's proportion of general average or salvage
  • Fines
  • Legal costs
  • Charterers disputes
Over three decades of experience in the handling many types of claims and P&I casualties, together with an ability to grasp the newest needs of the maritime insurance field, enable PSS to guarantee a professional and qualified assistance in all Iranian ports.
PSS was mainly set up to serve the needs of P&I Clubs and it aims to provide independent, high quality marine services to the P&I Clubs in the Iranian ports.
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